4,743 research outputs found

    Traveling-wave tube circuit simplifies microwave relay

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    Circuit with a sawtooth-modulated traveling-wave tube, which acts as a frequency converter and as an amplifier, simplifies microwave transmission. Lower power losses and reduced size and weight are also realized in this circuit

    Equilibrium sequences of hybrid stars with LOFF matter core

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    We study equilibrium configurations of hybrid stars with inhomogeneous Color SuperConducting (CSC) phases in the inner core and a mantle of nuclear matter

    Evaluating remote setting techniques for oyster (Crassostrea virginica) seed production in Louisiana

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    Research was conducted to implement remote setting technology for the commercial- scale production of oysters on alternative cultch material in Louisiana. Genetic research has created an enhanced oyster stock for commercial cultivation. Since the Louisiana oyster industry relies on natural seed production for product, they are unable to utilize these new advances and are never guaranteed a reliable source of oyster seed. Remote setting is one way of producing a consistent supply of genetically improved oysters. Cultch material for oyster settlement is a limiting resource. Several alternatives to clamshell have been explored. The objectives of this study are: (1) test larval setting success (penetration) using three cultch types in aerated and non-aerated treatments; (2) characterize triploid oyster seed growth and abundance among three cultch types on a commercial oyster lease; (3) characterize ploidy dilution of planted triploid oyster seed by natural diploids among three cultch types on an oyster lease; and (4) document the costs associated with seed bedding. Limestone had significantly less spat set than both whole and crushed oyster shell; spat set significantly less at bottom-depth and mid-depth in non-aerated compared to aerated treatments (objective 1). This shows the importance of aeration for spat settlement distribution among depths. Oyster growth was significantly less on limestone compared to both whole and crushed shell (objective 2). Spat on limestone were limited in two dimensional growing space. Of the fifty individuals sampled from each cultch type for percent triploidy, 2%, 4% and 8% were triploid for crushed shell, limestone and whole shell, respectively; all cultch types showed at least 92% diploid dilution (objective 3). These results are based on one site and season, therefore cannot be used to make conclusions about overall practicality for oyster production in Louisiana. The cost associated with seed bedding is $6.00 per barrel (objective 4). Whole oyster shell had significantly more initial spat set and growth than limestone. There was no significant difference in oyster abundance among all cultch types

    The Denial of Innocence: Implicit Racial Biases and Judgments of Child Behavior based on Brief Observations

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    Studies on racial bias highlight disparities in negative judgments faced by People of Color (Hinton, 2017) as compared to their White counterparts, and some disparities may be apparent even in childhood. The present study employed an experimental design to examine the impact of child race on participant judgments of child behavior based on brief observations. Students participated and were randomly assigned to one of two conditions involving brief video observations. In the first condition, the target child was Black and in the second, the target was White. Targets were matched in terms of age, socioeconomic status, and expert-rated level of problem behavior. After watching the brief video, participants provided ratings of child behavior using the Conners Teacher Rating Scale- Revised (CTRS-R). A MANCOVA that included participant demographic covariates indicated a statistically significant impact of condition on behavior ratings. Univariate tests and descriptive statistics suggested that the ratings of participants who viewed a Black child were higher for overall problem behavior and for oppositional behavior. The covariate of participant race/ethnicity also statistically predicted ratings, with Black/African American status predicting lower overall problem behavior ratings. Implications concern understanding the impact of implicit racial biases for Children of Color, and furthering efforts to end racism and promote social justice

    Business adaptive strategies in crisis : the case of General Motors

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    The financial crisis of 2007 wreaked havoc in global economies and brought down many different businesses, raising some fundamental questions inside companies regarding its ability to react effectively during these times. General Motors, the largest auto manufacturer in the world at the time, succumbed and declared bankruptcy, prompting the US government, alongside some other entities, to move forward with financial aid and imposing a reform in the company. The thesis at hand, presented in the form of a case study, follows the restructuration efforts of the firm and its strategic realignment in an ever­changing environment, which had greatly been transformed by changes in demand, consumer behavior and an increasingly intensive competition. It analyzes the automotive industry and addresses some factors that influenced the bankruptcy of the company. This case study encompasses different topics inside the area of strategy, such as resources and capabilities, competitive advantage, and positioning, serving as an insight into the real General Motors scenario in the navigation of the company through these troubled times. Some theoretical concepts and frameworks are provided for analysis, with the teaching notes serving as an orientation guide.A crise financeira de 2007 provocou problemas em economias mundiais e causou o fecho de várias empresas, erguendo algumas questões fundamentais dentro de companhias relacionadas com a sua habilidade em reagir eficazmente nestas alturas. A General Motors, a maior auto manufaturadora do mundo na altura, cedeu e declarou falência, levando o governo dos Estados Unidos, juntamente com outras entidades, a avançar com suporte financeiro e impondo uma reforma na companhia. A presente tese, desenvolvida sob formato de estudo de caso, segue a reestruturação da empresa e o realinhamento estratégico num meio envolvente em constante mudança, que sofre grandes transformações através de mudanças em demanda, comportamento de consumidor e competição cada vez mais intensa. Analisa a indústria automóvel e aborda alguns fatores que influenciaram a falência da empresa. Este caso de estudo engloba diferentes tópicos dentro da área de estratégia, como recursos e capacidades, vantagem competitiva e posicionamento, servindo como uma examinação do cenário real da General Motors na navegação da empresa durante estas alturas problemáticas. Alguns conceitos teóricos e modelos são fornecidos para a análise do caso, com notas didáticas a servirem como uma orientação para a resolução do mesmo